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Voice of Maslon

Entering the Maslon summer associate program, I didn’t have any private law firm experience.

I spent the years before law school and my first law school summer in public interest settings. Many questions hung in my mind: What type of work would I be doing? Would I enjoy the work? How do I carry myself in this setting? What type of lawyer do I want to be?

It wasn’t long before my mind was put at ease, and I was able to jump into trying out life as a Maslon associate. The approachability of Maslon attorneys and their commitment to the development of summer associates allowed me to tackle assignments far outside of my comfort zone, like creating a client-facing legal alert and drafting motion papers. I expected to enjoy the program, but I didn’t expect that it would expand my idea of what I was capable of with two years of law school under my belt.

One of my biggest takeaways from the summer was Maslon’s investment in me as a well-rounded future attorney. Instead of being siphoned to one practice area, I was encouraged to follow my interests and supported while trying out new areas of the law. After expressing an interest in criminal appellate work, I was brought onto a pro-bono project and invited to draft a section of a petition for post-conviction relief. I researched and wrote memos addressing questions in construction and products liability law—two areas I was wholly unfamiliar with.

I found natural mentors during my time working on assignments, in addition to the mentors provided to us. A partner served as my writing mentor and found time in his busy schedule to provide thorough feedback on my written assignments. Careful coaching from my writing mentor made my writing more effective and helped me feel confident in the assignments I submitted.

This summer, I met many Maslon attorneys who exemplified the type of practitioner I want to be. For me, this is what working in a law firm is all about. To do challenging, exciting work and work alongside people you enjoy is invaluable. I can’t wait to return as an associate and continue to learn from the attorneys at Maslon.


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