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Summer Associate Program Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs About the summer Associate Program

How will I be set up and supported in my work?

Summer Associates are assigned an office and a legal administrative assistant. They are also assigned two attorney-mentors who serve as "go to's" for any issues the summer associates may have.

How will my work be assigned?

Attorneys send requests for work assignments to a program coordinator who is in charge of the summer program. We try to make certain that the Summer Associates receive assignments from all areas of practice. In addition to assignments, we provide Summer Associates with opportunities to attend hearings, depositions, closings, negotiations, etc.

How will my work be evaluated?

After an assignment is completed, the work product is turned in to the assigning attorney, who is encouraged to complete an evaluation form and to meet with the Summer Associate directly to discuss his/her performance. We believe that this provides the Summer Associates with constant, continuing feedback throughout their summer experience. If an issue came up which we felt should be brought to the Summer Associate's attention, we would do so immediately, so they can receive immediate assistance.

How heavy will the workload be?

We want our Summer Associates to be busy but not overwhelmed. To monitor our Summer Associates' workload, we meet with them every Monday during a staff meeting to go over their assignments, review progress, and assign new projects.

Will I need to keep track of my time?

Summer Associates complete timesheets, to both keep our billing lawyers apprised of the hours worked on a particular matter and to help our Summer Associates learn how to keep time.

What types of social events are provided to help summer associates get to know the firm and each other?

We provide many formal and informal opportunities for the Summer Associates to get to know everyone. Our Summer Associates are taken out to lunch regularly, attend practice team meetings, and are invited to organized events, such as attending a Kitchen in the Market™ cooking class, dinner at a partner's house, Twins and St. Paul Saints baseball games, and touring the Twin Cities while riding on the PedalPub®. In addition, firm attorneys are encouraged to invite summer associates to informal social gatherings and events.

What is the process at Maslon for determining whether a Summer Associate will receive an offer to join the firm?

The Summer Associate Committee invites feedback from firm attorneys throughout the summer as to whether offers should be made to the Summer Associates. The Summer Associate Committee, after reviewing input from our lawyers, then makes a recommendation to the firm's Executive Committee.

What opportunities will I have to focus on particular areas of interest in my work at Maslon?

Maslon's summer program, though very organized, is also informal and flexible. If an associate is particularly interested in one area of practice, we try to meet his or her needs. We provide opportunities for each Summer Associate to provide input on the direction and focus of his or her work experiences and assignments.


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If you would like to discuss possible representation, please call one of our attorneys directly or use our general line (p 612.672.8200). We can then fully discuss our intake procedures and, if appropriate, introduce you to an attorney suited to assist with your matter. Alternatively, you may send an email containing a general inquiry subject to these terms.

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