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Julian Zebot and Nate Ajouri Co-Author Article on Hindsight Bias in Trust Litigation for American Bar Association's Real Property, Trust & Estate Law eReport

The article explores some of the matters in which courts have found trustees liable for investment decisions that may have seemed reasonable at the time and applies lessons learned from the aftermath of the Great Recession to gain insight on how to protect trustees during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Doug Holod Authors Article on New Opportunities For Second Wave of Restaurant Chain Bankruptcy Filings for Modern Restaurant Management

In the article, Doug explores the recent history of restaurant chain bankruptcy filings pre-COVID, the industry impact of COVID-19, and how the upcoming onslaught of bankruptcy filings could

David Herr Authors 2020 Editions of Complex Litigation Treatises

The Annotated Manual for Complex Litigation Fourth and the Multidistrict Litigation Manual: Practice before the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation are both published by Thomson West.

David Herr and Jevon Bindman Co-Author 6th Edition of the "Summary of Eighth Circuit Appellate Procedure" for Minnesota CLE

The summary explores the basics of effective appellate practice, preparing for appeal in the trial court, and timelines and deadlines.

David Herr and Erica Holzer Co-Author 2020 Edition of Minnesota Practice Series Appellate Rules Annotated

As the leading treatise on Minnesota appellate law and practice, this handbook explains the purpose and construction of the appellate rules against the background of case law and statutes pertinent to each rule.

Erica Holzer and David Herr Co-Author Article on Legislature's Repeal of Requiring Unpublished Opinion Copies for Minnesota Lawyer

The article explores the Minnesota Legislature's recent repeal of the statutory requirement that counsel provide the court and opposing counsel with copies of unpublished Court of Appeals opinions in advance of relying on them and gives a history of the original statutory requirement.

Jonathan Septer Authors Article on Next Steps for Landlords as COVID-19's Impact Unfolds for Finance & Commerce

The article explores three important steps commercial landlords can take to avoid pitfalls as the country begins to reopen, commercial tenants return to work, and short-term rent deferments begin to expire.


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