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Stephanie Laws to Present at 2021 Minneapolis Products Liability SuperCourse on COVID-19 Impacts for Manufacturers

September 24, 2021

Stephanie Laws, a partner in Maslon's Litigation Group, will moderate a panel discussion Sept. 24 at the Minneapolis Products Liability SuperCourse on the COVID-19 pandemic's effects on product manufacturers. During the in-person session, titled "COVID-19 Impacts and Innovations for Manufacturing Companies," Stephanie and a panel of in-house counsel from various manufacturing companies, will explore both the positive and negative impacts of COVID-19 on business and legal operations, from supply chain disruptions to new market opportunities and more. They will also discuss how product manufacturers should adapt moving forward.

To register, go to: "COVID-19 Impacts and Innovations for Manufacturing Companies," Minneapolis Products Liability SuperCourse.

Due to social distancing space requirements, registration is limited.

Stephanie represents businesses in complex civil litigation in federal and state courts nationwide, with experience in product liability, consumer protection, and commercial litigation. She also conducts internal investigations. Stephanie is experienced in all phases of litigation—from fact investigation through trial—with particular experience managing large-scale document review and production, e-discovery issues, and working with experts. In addition to aggressively litigating claims, Stephanie leverages early resolution strategies to avoid unnecessary litigation where possible. She uses insights from multiple client secondments to develop legal strategies that further business goals.


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