David Herr to Moderate a Webcast on Appellate Issues for Minnesota CLE
June 10, 2016
David Herr, an appellate attorney in Maslon's Litigation Group, will moderate a June 10, 2016, Minnesota CLE webcast titled "Appeals and the Minnesota Supreme Court: Two New Justices Share Their Views and Experiences." During the program, David will discuss appellate practice issues with Hon. Natalie E. Hudson and Hon. Margaret H. Chutich, the two newest justices of the Minnesota Supreme Court. The program will also include a brief discussion of recent appellate rule amendments taking effect on July 1.
David is a highly regarded appellate lawyer and complex case litigator. He is frequently sought out to provide practical and sophisticated advice on how to resolve difficult, multi-party disputes in trial courts and arbitral forums, as well as in the appellate courts. David is past president of the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers, past president of the Academy of Court Appointed Masters, and regularly argues cases in the Minnesota appellate courts and the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals. He annotates the Federal Judicial Center's Manual for Complex Litigation, published and distributed nationally by Thomson West.
For more information or to register, go to: Minnesota CLE's Appeals and the Minnesota Supreme Court.