Bill Pentelovitch Selected as a 2012 "Attorney of the Year" by Minnesota Lawyer
December 19, 2012
Bill was selected for his pro bono work on the Voter ID Amendment question that was slated to appear on the November 2012 election ballot. As lead attorney, Bill represented the League of Women Voters Minnesota, Common Cause, Jewish Community Action, and five individuals who petitioned to remove the proposed constitutional amendment from the ballot, asserting that the language of the ballot question was misleading, inaccurate, and didn't clearly state the changes that could compromise a person's right to vote. Bill and opposing counsel argued the case in front of the Minnesota Supreme Court in mid-August.
Bill Pentelovitch, a trial lawyer and Fellow of the International Academy of Trial lawyers, has practiced exclusively in the area of business-related disputes for 38 years and is considered both a leading authority and a leading trial lawyer in Minnesota in the area of ownership and governance disputes in corporations, partnerships of all kinds, and limited liability companies. In addition to his substantial practice in the areas of business ownership and governance and non-competes, trade secrets, and unfair competition, Bill handles breach of contract, fraud, antitrust, securities, banking, and intellectual property trials.