Bill Pentelovitch Argues Case Against Voter Photo ID Language Before Minnesota Supreme Court
July 19, 2012
Six of the seven Minnesota Supreme Court justices questioned Bill and opposing counsel for the Minnesota legislature on the details surrounding the amendment and the challenge, focusing on constitutional principles dating back to the Federalist Papers. When asked after the hearing, how he thought the justices would rule, Bill declined to speculate stating, "They were very well informed and they asked the questions I thought they would ask." He continued, saying, "It will set a very important precedent in Minnesota if we win, which is that you have to at least be as honest with voters when putting an [amendment on the ballot] as a car dealer has to be in selling them a car: you can't lie, and you can't mislead."
Read media coverage and blog commentary on the lawsuit filed, and listen to hearings before the court below:
Minneapolis Star Tribune: ACLU petitions state high court to stop voter ID amendment
St. Paul Pioneer Press: Top Minnesota court joins voter ID fray
The Uptake (video): MN Supreme Court Hears Case Against Voter Photo ID Language